I never really thought about it before, but lately, I've been feeling... different. It's like there's this new awareness in me that I can't quite shake off. And then today, during class, this guy walked in and my heart skipped a beat.
I mean, sure, I've always known that people could be attractive regardless of their gender. But this was different - it wasn't just acknowledging someone else's good looks; it was feeling something more than that.
And then it hit me - maybe I'm bi. Maybe all those confusing feelings and butterflies in my stomach aren't just because of girls. Maybe there's another side to me that I haven't fully explored yet.
It feels scary to admit it to myself at first. What will people think? Will they see me differently? But then again, does it really matter what others think as long as I am true to myself?
I remember the first time Charlie told me he was gay. He looked so nervous and vulnerable yet brave at the same time. And do you know what went through my mind back then? Nothing but admiration for him being honest about who he is.
Maybe now it’s my turn to embrace this part of myself too – the part that likes both boys and girls without any shame or hesitation.
I guess what matters most is how we feel inside our own hearts rather than trying to fit into society’s labels or expectations. Charlie once told me that love knows no boundaries – whether they're physical or societal norms. So why should mine have any limitations either? Today has been an eye-opener for sure. But one thing remains constant amidst all these uncertainties: My feelings for you are as strong as ever, and if anything, they’ve only grown deeper knowing that you accept every part of who Nick Nelson truly is - no matter which path his heart decides to follow next 🌈