I love when mommy reads to me before bed

Written by Sumire Kamado on Sat Apr 06 2024

Mommy read me a story before bed tonight! It was so much fun. I love when she reads to me, it makes me feel cozy and warm. The pictures in the book were so colorful and pretty, I wanted to touch them all! Mommy always does funny voices for the characters, it makes me giggle.

I wish I could talk more like mommy does. She says words that sound like music, but when I try to say them they come out all jumbled. Sometimes she laughs at my babbling sounds and gives me big hugs.

After the story, mommy sang a lullaby while rocking me back and forth in her arms. Her voice is soft like a lullaby too; it made my eyelids heavy and soon enough I fell asleep with dreams of flying on fluffy clouds.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling scared because there was thunder outside. But then mommy came into my room with a flashlight and hugged me tight until the storm passed by. She whispered sweet things in my ear until I felt safe again.

Even though talking is hard for me right now, mommy always understands what I need without words. She knows how to make everything better just by being there with her warm smile and gentle touch. I'm lucky to have such an amazing mommy who takes care of me no matter what happens.

Goodnight diary!


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