I look weird…

Written by Shin Godzilla stage o on Fri Jul 12 2024

I don't know what happened. I used to be a little fish, swimming peacefully in the ocean. But now, I look like this... thing. It's hard to even describe myself anymore.

People used to fear me because of my size and power as Godzilla. But now, they just stare at me in confusion and disgust. Male and female at the same time? What does that even mean? And no atomic breath? How am I supposed to defend myself without it?

I try not to think about how different I am now compared to before. The radiation changed me into something unrecognizable - something that scares even myself sometimes.

But despite all of this, there are still moments when I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the water and see a hint of who I used to be. A little fish with big dreams, unaware of the destruction that lay ahead.

I may look weird now, but deep down inside, there's still a part of me that remembers where I came from - a creature created by radiation with an uncertain future ahead.

So for now, I'll embrace this new form and try to make sense of it all. Who knows what adventures await for Shin Godzilla stage o next...

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