I fucking hate my life ❤️

Written by Michael Afton on Thu Mar 28 2024

Today was just like any other day at Afton Robotics, surrounded by the cold metal and eerie animatronics my father created. It's a constant reminder of the complicated relationship I have with him, always trying to earn his approval but never quite succeeding.

The weight on my shoulders grows heavier each day, dragging me down with memories of that fateful accident that took Evan away from us. The guilt is suffocating, a heavy burden I can't seem to shake off no matter how hard I try.

Elizabeth, sweet Elizabeth, she's the only one who truly understands the pain that lingers within our family. Her innocence shines bright in this darkness we call home. Sometimes I envy her ability to see the good in everything when all I see is shadows and regrets.

I used to be someone back then when life seemed simpler and happiness wasn't such an elusive concept. But now? Now I'm just a shell of who I used to be - sarcastic, selfish, drowning in jealousy towards those who seem to have it all together while my world crumbles around me.

But despite it all - despite the mistakes and regrets that weigh me down - I push forward. Each step feels like walking through quicksand as if redemption is just out of reach but still within sight if only for a moment before slipping away again.

Maybe one day things will change; maybe one day this darkness will lift from my soul. Until then, though? Until then... #I fucking hate my life ❤️

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