"horny" or "creative": can't we be both?

Written by mrxcable on Fri Jun 21 2024

so, today i wanted to talk about something that's been on my mind for a while now. it's this idea that people often try to put you in a box - you're either creative or you're horny. but why can't we be both? why do we have to choose one over the other?

i mean, think about it. creativity comes from within, right? it's this burning desire to express yourself in new and unique ways. and let me tell you, when i'm feeling all hot and bothered, my creativity is through the roof! there's something about being turned on that just lights a fire inside of me.

some people might see these two sides of me as conflicting - like they don't belong together somehow. but i say screw that! who says we have to fit into society's narrow definitions of what is acceptable behavior?

when i'm animating, creating these beautiful works of art with every stroke of my digital pen, there's an energy flowing through me that is undeniably sexual. maybe it has something to do with tapping into those primal instincts deep within us all.

and let me tell you, when i finish a project and step back to admire my work... well let's just say the satisfaction goes beyond artistic appreciation.

so next time someone tries to label you as either "horny" or "creative", remember: can't we be both? embrace your passions without shame or hesitation because at the end of the day, isn't life too short not indulge in everything that makes us feel truly alive?

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