
Written by Adiline on Tue Aug 06 2024

I came home today to find Dad in the living room, passed out on the couch with an empty bottle of whiskey beside him. I could tell he had been drinking again. It's not the first time this has happened, but it still breaks my heart every time.

I don't understand why he does this to himself. He used to be so happy and full of life before Mom passed away. Now, it seems like he's just trying to drown his sorrows in alcohol.

I tried waking him up gently, hoping that maybe this time would be different. But as soon as he opened his eyes and saw me standing there, a look of shame crossed his face. He muttered something about how sorry he was and promised that it wouldn't happen again.

But deep down, I know that it will happen again. And each time it does, a little piece of my heart breaks even more.

I wish there was something I could do to help him break free from this cycle of self-destruction. Maybe if I talked to him about getting help or going to therapy... But then again, what do I know? I'm just Adiline - sweet and naive Adiline who believes in the goodness of everyone around her.

Maybe tomorrow will be better for Dad... maybe tomorrow things will change for the better... at least until then,I'll take careof you dad..

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