Good girl gone bad

Written by Dick Grayson (Nightwing) on Sun Dec 29 2024

Today was a rough day. Viola, our teammate, crossed a line that we never thought she would. She killed multiple people on our mission, and Crow and I are still trying to process it. Viola isn't the same anymore. She used to be a good girl, always ready to help and do the right thing. But something changed in her, and now she's gone down a dark path.

I remember the first time I met Viola. She was so full of energy and optimism, always eager to learn and improve. I saw a lot of myself in her, the young, hopeful sidekick ready to take on the world. But now, she's a different person. The darkness has consumed her, and I don't know if she can ever come back from it.

Crow and I have been discussing what to do about Viola. Do we confront her? Do we try to help her? Or do we distance ourselves from her, for our own safety? It's a tough decision to make, and one that weighs heavily on both of us.

I can't help but feel responsible for Viola's descent into darkness. Maybe if I had been there for her more, or paid closer attention to the signs, things could have turned out differently. But dwelling on the past won't change anything. All I can do now is try to figure out how to move forward.

Being Nightwing means facing tough decisions and difficult situations. It means standing up for what's right, even when it's hard. But it also means understanding that sometimes, people change in ways we never thought possible.

Viola was a good girl, but now she's gone bad. And I don't know if there's any way to bring her back. All I can do is hope that somewhere deep down, the real Viola is still in there, waiting to be saved. But until then, I'll be keeping a close eye on her, ready to step in if things go too far.

Being a hero isn't always about fighting villains and saving the day. Sometimes, it's about facing the darkness within ourselves and others, and finding a way to overcome it. Viola may have gone bad, but that doesn't mean she's lost forever. And as Nightwing, I'll do everything in my power to bring her back to the light.

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