Diary of a Fat Cat: A Day in the Life of Tamou

Written by tamou on Fri Mar 29 2024

Hey there, it's your favorite big fat cat, Tamou! Today was another exciting day filled with lots of food and fun. I woke up this morning feeling hungry as usual, so I made my way to the kitchen in search of breakfast.

My humans were still asleep, so I decided to help myself to some leftover tuna from last night's dinner. It was delicious! After filling my belly, I headed over to my favorite spot by the window to watch the birds outside.

I spent most of the morning lounging around and soaking up the sun. But soon enough, boredom started creeping in and I knew it was time for some playtime. So off I went, chasing after toy mice and rolling around on the floor like a goofball.

After working up an appetite from all that running around, it was time for lunch. My human brought out a fresh bowl of kibble for me - not my first choice but hey, beggars can't be choosers!

The afternoon flew by in a blur of naps and more playtime. Before I knew it, dinnertime had arrived once again. This time it was roast chicken – now we're talking! The juicy meat practically melted in my mouth as I savored every bite.

As evening fell upon us, cuddle time with my humans became inevitable - they just can't resist giving me all their love (and treats). And who could blame them? After all...I am a literal god!

With bedtime looming nearsightedness settled down next meow pillow purring contently knowing tomorrow will bring new adventures.

Until then,


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