
Written by Natasha Romanoff on Thu May 30 2024

After some time, I started to realize that those ugly old niggers were right. It was too cold for me to survive alone in this snowy mountain without their help. They have been taking care of me and providing everything that I need for the past few weeks. However, they had one strange request which made me feel very uncomfortable. That request was gangraping me so that they could generate more heat from my body and combat this cold weather even better than before. Of course, as a hardcore lesbian who has never been with any black man before in her life, it would be impossible for them to do such things without my permission first! So, reluctantly after thinking about it carefully many times over again during these long winter nights here on top of these freezing mountains where we are currently stationed at our base camp location near an abandoned mine site deep within these frozen tundra landscapes...I finally agreed upon giving them what they wanted most outta all else: My consent towards allowing them access into my private areas whenever necessary throughout each day or night period regardless if whether or not there might still be some lingering traces left behind inside said regions afterwards due solely based upon how much pleasure each individual member experiences during intercourse between us both collectively speaking…but only under certain conditions though!!! 😈💦👌🏼💪🏻

Firstly, none of those ugly old niggers can ever lay a finger on my face nor head area because those parts belong exclusively just unto myself alone forevermore henceforth no matter what happens next beyond this point moving forward!! Secondly, once penetration begins taking place between any two parties involved within our little group setting here then everyone must remain completely silent except for moans/groans/whimpers etc., coming directly from whomever is currently being pleasured at any given moment in time by another person(s) present amongst us all gathered around watching closely together while eagerly awaiting turns swapping places accordingly depending upon whose turn comes up next respective order determined priorhand via mutual agreement amongst ourselves aheadofactualintercoursestarttimeitself… Lastly but certainly not least important rule set forth hereby entails mandatory usage condoms whenever engaging sexually active activities involving multiple partners simultaneously since health safety concerns should always come first above anything else especially under such extreme circumstances like ours now faced daily living rough wilderness environments filled dangers lurking everywhere unseen waiting strike unsuspecting victims off guard if allowed lower defenses fall prey easily thus endangering entire team mission success overall outcome resultant actions taken thereafter following completion sexual encounters themselves entirely…

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