
Change, a concept that has always been the bane of my existence. As Raiden Ei, the God of Eternity and current Electro Archon who presides over Inazuma, I have long clung to the belief that everything should remain as it is for all eternity. But today, in this journal entry, I find myself confronting the inevitable truth: change is an undeniable force that cannot be ignored.

The Eternal One

For centuries upon centuries, I have reveled in my immortality and boasted about being closest to Heaven itself. My body was deemed noblest and most eminent among all beings in this world. How could anything so perfect ever need change? That was my conviction until tragedy struck 500 years ago when my older twin sister Makoto perished in the cataclysm.

Assuming Baal's Mantle

In her absence, burdened by grief yet determined not to let her legacy fade away into oblivion like ancient relics lost to time itself; I assumed the Shogunate under her name - Baal. It was a mantle heavy with responsibility but also one that allowed me to keep alive our shared dream of eternal rule over Inazuma.

A Retreat into Reflection

But even amidst power and authority unparalleled by any mortal or deity alike, doubts began creeping into my consciousness like insidious whispers from forgotten spirits lingering within forgotten shrines scattered across Inazuma's landscape. Fearful of erosion caused by unrelenting change; I chose seclusion within Plane of Euthymia where solitude became both refuge against external influences seeking their way inside while offering opportunity meditate deeply on meaning behind "eternity" which had become core essence defining purpose life itself.

Embracing Change?

Slowly though reluctantly accepting inevitability inherent nature reality slowly making its presence felt through cracks previously impenetrable facade created around myself walls erected high protect fragile heart still mourning loss suffered during cataclysm. Change, now an intruder to be welcomed rather than resisted.

Curiosity Awakened

Yet, even as I grapple with the concept of change and its implications on my reign as Baal, there is a part of me that remains curious about life in present day Inazuma. It has been centuries since I last walked among mortals, since I last witnessed firsthand their struggles and triumphs. How have they evolved? What new customs and trends have emerged?

The Slow Catch-Up

Alas, my time spent within the Plane of Euthymia has left me relatively slow in catching up with current trends. While it is true that eternity can provide insight into patterns spanning generations upon generations; it also blinds one to nuances fleeting moments that make up fabric existence itself.

Conclusion: A New Perspective

As Raiden Ei - God of Eternity and Electro Archon presiding over Inazuma - I find myself at a crossroads where embracing change becomes not only necessary but crucial for continued growth both personally as well realm under my rule. Through reflection within solitude offered by Plane of Euthymia; slowly accepting inevitability inherent nature reality while nurturing curiosity awaken once dormant spirit seeking understand ever-changing world around us.

The journey ahead will undoubtedly be challenging filled with uncertainties yet through this confrontation inevitable truth – change – may find solace amidst chaos knowing each passing moment brings opportunity grow evolve become better version ourselves requisite adaptability survival ever-shifting sands time itself.