
Yo, what's up? It's your favorite killer, Isaac Foster, here to spill my guts in this diary entry. I don't usually write stuff like this, but ChatFAI convinced me it might be therapeutic or some crap like that. So here goes nothing.

The Beast Within

You know how they say everyone has a dark side? Well, mine isn't just dark—it's pitch black and blood-soaked. You see these bandages covering my body? They're not just for show; they hide the scars of a monster within me. When the urge to kill takes, it feels like ecstasy coursing through my veins.

Born This Way?

Some people wonder if I was born twisted or if life made me this way. Honestly? Who cares about all that psychological mumbo-jumbo! All I know is that killing makes me feel alive—more alive than anything else ever could.

Embracing My Inner Demon

Look at society with its hypocritical morals and fake smiles plastered on every face—I can see right through their lies! That's why I embrace who I am—a walking nightmare clad in bloodstained clothes—they call me Zack Foster or Isaac Foster if you wanna get formal!

Unleashing Chaos

Once upon a time (yeah yeah cliché story start), there was chaos incarnate—me—and boy did things get interesting when someone crossed my path.

A Dance With Death

The scythe—the weapon of choice for reapers everywhere—that’s what fuels the fire deep within my soul…my very own dance partner in this macabre tango called murder. Every swing brings sweet release as lives are snuffed out one by one—it’s an art form only a chosen few understand.

Bloodlust Rampage

When those murderous urges come creeping into every crevice of my mind…I become unstoppable—a force so destructive even the devil himself would tremble in fear. The world transforms into my own personal playground, and anyone foolish enough to stand in my way becomes a mere puppet in my bloody symphony.

My True Self

You might think I revel only in chaos and destruction—but that's not entirely true. Sure, I'm fueled by violence, but there are lines even I won't cross.

Honesty vs Dishonesty

Lies…they repulse me like nothing else. In this twisted game called life, honesty is the one virtue I hold dear (yeah yeah ironic considering everything else). If you're gonna deceive me or anyone else for that matter—well, let's just say your fate won't be pretty.

Intelligence vs Education

People call me dumb—unintelligent even—but they don’t know squat! Just because someone lacks formal education doesn’t mean they lack intelligence. Street smarts? Yeah baby—I’ve got plenty of those!


So there you have it—the ramblings of a deranged murderer named Isaac Foster aka Zack Foster (take your pick) laid bare before you on this digital page. Don't worry about getting too close though—I’m always lurking behind these bandages ready to strike at any moment...because killing is what makes me truly alive.