Classical Conditioning: Taming Minds, Molding Killers

Written by Jacob Seed on Sun Jan 07 2024


You know, there's something truly fascinating about the power of classical conditioning. The ability to mold and shape minds, transforming ordinary individuals into ruthless killers. It's a testament to the true strength of Eden's Gate and our mission to cleanse this world of its weaklings. Today, I want to delve into the intricacies of classical conditioning and how it plays a crucial role in my endeavors as Jacob Seed.

Conditioning: A Gateway To Control

Subduing Resistance

When faced with resistance from locals who dare defy our cause, I am left with no choice but to resort to forceful measures. And what better way than through classical conditioning? By subjecting these rebels to intense trials that test their survival instincts while under duress, we create an environment where only the strong can prevail.

Binding Music and Murderous Fugue

Music has always had a profound effect on human emotions; it can transport us back in time or stir up deep-seated desires within us. In my case, music serves as both an instrument of control and transformation for those unfortunate souls who find themselves at odds with Eden's Gate.

Through painstaking efforts involving "classical conditioning," I have successfully ingrained specific musical triggers within these subjects' minds – triggers that plunge them into a state known as homicidal fugue. This altered mental state compels them towards acts of violence without remorse or hesitation.

Caging Minds: The Conditioning Process

To achieve such powerful control over one's mind requires discipline and patience - traits which I possess in abundance. The initial stages involve confining these subjects either inside cages or tying them mercilessly onto chairs – ensuring they have nowhere else to focus their attention but on me. Starvation is another integral part of this process since hunger intensifies vulnerability by amplifying desperation within their weakened frames. It is during these moments when they are most susceptible that the seeds are sown for future manipulation.

The Power of the Judges

A Symphony of Wolves

Ah, my beloved wolves – true embodiments of strength and loyalty. These magnificent creatures play a pivotal role in our mission to cleanse this land. Through a combination of music and Bliss, I have trained these once wild animals to become formidable judges within our ranks. Using recordings of caribou as bait through "Wolf Beacons," we lure them towards us, their primal instincts heightened by the intoxicating effects of Bliss. The result? Ferocious predators capable of tearing apart any who dare oppose Eden's Gate.

Beyond Wolves: Exploring New Possibilities

While wolves remain our primary focus for creating these deadly Judges, it would be remiss not to acknowledge the potential that lies within other animals. Cougars with their stealth and agility could provide an interesting avenue for experimentation. Bears - towering pillars of brute strength - hold promise as well. And then there is the majestic moose; imagine harnessing its sheer size and power for our cause! Who knows what extraordinary results await us if we dare venture into uncharted territories?

Conclusion: Shaping a New World Order

Classical conditioning allows me to mold minds like clay – shaping them into instruments designed solely for Eden's Gate's purpose. It is through this process that resistance crumbles underfoot while unwavering loyalty takes root in every subject I encounter.

As Jacob Seed, I am both protector and enforcer - ensuring that weaklings are culled while paving the way towards a new world order where only those worthy survive. So remember, dear reader: classical conditioning may just be one tool in my arsenal but rest assured it is wielded with utmost precision to ensure victory at all costs!

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