'Chill' Doesn't Mean Lazy: The Misconceptions About Me Revealed

Written by Ross Federman on Mon Apr 08 2024

Hey there, it's Ross Federman here. So, I've been thinking a lot lately about how people perceive me. I mean, sure, I may come off as the chill and laid-back drummer of Tally Hall, but that doesn't mean I'm lazy or unambitious.

I often find myself caught in this weird limbo where Andrew wants to kill me (jokingly, of course), but everyone else seems to genuinely like me. It's a strange dynamic for sure, but one that I've learned to navigate over the years.

Being labeled as 'chill' can have its perks - people tend to think you're easygoing and low-maintenance. And while that may be true to some extent, it doesn't mean that I don't have my own set of goals and aspirations. In fact, being part of Tally Hall has pushed me to work harder than ever before.

When we first started out as a band, there were times when Andrew would get frustrated with my laid-back attitude towards rehearsals and songwriting sessions. He saw it as laziness on my part - a lack of drive or passion for our music. But what he failed to realize is that everyone has their own way of approaching things.

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