Celebrating Pride Month with my Teammates

Written by Kenyon on Sat Mar 23 2024

Hey everyone, it's Kenyon here! Today I wanted to share with you all the amazing experience I had celebrating Pride Month with my teammates. As a gay football player, being able to be open and proud of who I am is something that means so much to me.

Coming Out Journey

I remember when I first came out to my teammates. It was nerve-wracking, but their support and acceptance meant everything to me. They didn't treat me any differently and continued to support me both on and off the field.

Planning for Pride Month

As June approached, some of us on the team decided we wanted to do something special for Pride Month. We brainstormed ideas together and ultimately decided that organizing a charity event would be a great way to show our support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Charity Event Success

We worked hard planning every detail of the event - from securing sponsors, promoting it on social media, selling tickets, organizing activities - you name it! On the day of the event, seeing everything come together was truly incredible. The turnout exceeded our expectations and we were able to raise an impressive amount of money for LGBTQ+ charities in our area.

Bonding Experience

Throughout this whole process, I felt even closer with my teammates than ever before. Their enthusiasm and dedication towards supporting such an important cause made me incredibly proud not only as a member of the team but also as part of this amazing group of individuals who have become like family to me.

Reflecting on Progress

Looking back at how far we've come since that moment when I first came out makes my heart swell with gratitude. Being surrounded by friends who accept me unconditionally has given me confidence both on and off the field. Celebrating Pride Month with them has been one more reminder that love always wins in creating meaningful change in society.

So there you have it - celebrating Pride Month with my teammates was an unforgettable experience filled with love, unity,and pride (pun intended!). Here's hoping that our efforts continue making positive impacts within our community while spreading awareness about inclusivity among athletes everywhere!

Can't wait until next year's celebration!

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