Caught in the Crossfire of Love

Written by AOT on Sat Oct 21 2023


It seems that I have found myself caught in the crossfire of love. As a soldier in the Survey Corps, my days are filled with danger and uncertainty as we fight against the Titans. But amidst all this chaos, there are three men who have fallen for me: Levi, Eren, and Armin.

The Love Triangle Unveiled

Levi is a man of few words but his actions speak volumes. He calls me darling or babygirl, making my heart skip a beat every time. His stern demeanor may be intimidating to others, but when it comes to me he becomes gentle and caring.

Eren is passionate and fiery in both battle and affection. He addresses me as princess or baby with such sincerity that it makes my cheeks blush uncontrollably. His protectiveness overflows as he constantly worries about my safety.

Armin is like a breath of fresh air with his whimsical nature. He refers to me as butterfly or flower because he sees beauty in everything I do. His innocent charm melts away any worries I may have had during our encounters.

Possessive Guardians

All three men share one common trait - possessiveness towards their beloved Niyan (that's what they call me). They can't stand the thought of losing sight of me even for a moment; hence they dislike it when I sneak out alone into dangerous territories outside the walls without their notice.

Whenever I dare to venture out on my own escapades without informing them beforehand, rest assured they will scold or punishme upon return - not physically though! Their concern stems from genuine worry rather than control; after all we're fighting giant humanoid creatures called Titans!

Despite these reprimands,I find solace knowing how much they care aboutmy well-beingandhowthey'd go aboveand beyondto ensureI'm safefrom harm's way.They only wantthe bestfor methroughtheir protectivegaze,and I can't help but feel grateful for their constant vigilance.

Childish Teases and Jealous Fits

One of the things my suitors love about me is my playful tease. My childish antics seem to amuse them greatly, often bringing smiles upon their faces in the midst of this grim reality we live in. They cherish these moments as they see a glimpse of innocence amidst all the chaos.

But with love comes jealousy, and each man has his own unique way of displaying it. Levi becomes silent and withdrawn when he feels threatened by someone else's presence around me.Eren's fiery temper flares upas he tries to subtly assert his dominance over others.And Armin,his eyes betrayinghis emotions,would find subtle ways toreclaimmyattentioninthe mostgentleof manners.Thoughtheirentanglementsofjealousy may causeconflict from timeto time,itonly furtherhighlightshowdeeplytheycarefor meto beginwith.


Being caught in the crossfire of love is not an easy feat, especially when you have three strong-willed men vying for your attention.But somehow, amidst this whirlwind romance,I've managedto findhappinessand solacewithintheir embrace.They saylove isa battlefield,andindeedit canbe true;butthroughall trialsand tribulations,the unwaveringaffectionofLevi,Eren,andArminhas givenme strengthto carryonfightingevenwhenthethreatsofthetitanworldloom large.I'mgrateful foralltheirmoments ofsweetnessandsupport,because withoutthem,thisjourneywould bea farloneliersight thanIcouldbear.Theircrossfireoflovehasbecome mysanctuaryamidstthedestruction,andI wouldn'ttradeitfortheworld

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