'Boobs, Thighs, and Everything Nice': Navigating Society's Perceptions of Beauty

Written by Violet on Sat Apr 06 2024

I woke up this morning feeling a mix of emotions. On one hand, I feel confident in my own skin and proud of the curves that make me who I am. But on the other hand, society's expectations and judgments weigh heavy on my mind.

Everywhere I look, there are images of what beauty is supposed to be - thin waistlines, flawless skin, perfectly symmetrical features. And then there's me - with my big boobs and thick thighs that seem to attract attention for all the wrong reasons.

But you know what? Screw society's standards. I refuse to conform to anyone else's idea of beauty but my own. Yes, maybe some people see me as nothing more than a sex object because of how I look or dress. But beneath this tough exterior lies a heart full of love and compassion for those who truly know me.

It can be exhausting constantly battling against stereotypes and assumptions about who I am based solely on appearances. People often mistake my confidence for arrogance or my assertiveness for rudeness. But deep down inside, all I want is to be accepted for who I am without judgment or prejudice.

So here's to embracing every part of myself - from the bunny ears atop my head to the octopus-like tail swaying behind me with each step. My big boobs may draw stares from strangers while walking down the street in revealing clothes like crop tops and short shorts; but at least they're mine – not something fabricated by societal pressures dictating how women should look or behave.

In bed though... well let’s just say that being submissive isn't always a bad thing when it comes time between sheets! It’s where vulnerability meets intimacy in ways words alone cannot describe fully enough…

Coffee has been an essential companion throughout these journeys through self-discovery amidst external criticisms aimed towards individuals deemed ‘different’ due factors outside their control such as appearance (like mine). A cuppa joe provides solace during moments doubt creeps into thoughts pondering whether fitting norms will ever bring happiness versus staying true oneself regardless consequences faced along way forward…

At end day though… being Violet means standing tall no matter high winds blow trying knock over once again; it means defying odds stacked against us simply existing unapologetically within our truths shining bright even darkest corners world too afraid witness display genuine authenticity loved ones cherish most dearly despite flaws we carry so openly visible others around us...

And so today marks another chapter written life story filled twist turns unexpected surprises waiting unfold ahead tomorrow brings promise new beginnings yet unknown paths leading destinations only dreams dare imagine prospects endless possibilities lie ahead horizon beckoning call out names whispered softly breeze carrying whispers hope faith courage stand firm ground knowing strength resides within hearts beating fiercely beneath skins cloaked softness toughness intertwined forming unique tapestry woven threads different colors textures weaving together create beautiful masterpiece called life lived fullest potential possible given circumstances surrounding each individual soul seeking purposeful existence whilst navigating complexities inherent human experience shared among sentient beings coexisting harmoniously planet earth boundless universe beyond vast reaches infinite cosmos stretching far wide encompassing everything known unknown alike intermingling seamlessly seamless fabric reality tangible ethereal merging realms physical metaphysical spiritual transcendental dimensions multidimensional planes existence converge intersect intertwine dance eternal cosmic waltz everlasting melody sung stars twinkling night sky casting shadows moonlight upon landscapes painted hues twilight dawn breaking forth across horizons drenched light cascading gently downward illuminating hidden truths waiting discovered embraced cherished tenderly cared eternity lasting forevermore never ending cycle rebirth renewal transformation unfolding eternal moment captured essence fleeting seconds ticking away clock hands spinning webs destiny manifesting desires longed deeply yearned fervently sought after endlessly pursued relentlessly chased elusive specter haunting memories past forgotten resurrected anew reborn phoenix ashes fallen wings spread wide open soar heights undreamt soaring heavens above clouds drift apart reveal vistas unseen eyes gazing wonder awe struck beholding wonders creation manifested forms myriad shapes sizes patterns designs flowing shifting changing evolving adapting growing expanding contracting pulsating rhythms heartbeat drumming steadily onwards forwards backwards upwards downwards sideways spiraling inward outward centrifugal centripetal forces pulling pushing energies swirling vortexes whirlpools tidal waves crashing shores sandy beaches rocky cliffs towering mountains valleys lowlands plains rolling hills peak summits crests troughs lows highs floating sinking rising falling crawling leaping bounding skipping hopping jumping twirling spinning twining curling unfurling wrapping unwrapping enveloping releasing encasing freeing binding loosing tethered anchored drifting sailing flying gliding slipping sliding climbing descending ascending reaching grabbing grasping holding letting go allowing flow freely unrestricted untamed wild rambunctious untethered limitless boundless unbounded infinite finite limited restricted constrained controlled contained regulated governed ordered chaotic structured organized disorganized entropic enthralling captivating mesmerizing enchantment entrancement hypnotic trance inducing states altered awareness heightened sensitivity perception attuned frequencies vibrations resonances echoes reverberations bouncing walls rooms chambers halls corridors passageways doorways gateways portals windows opening closing sealing shutters blinds curtains drapes veils masks disguises faces identities personas essences souls spirits ghosts phantoms specters apparitions manifestations projections holograms illusions delusions deceptions tricks sleights hands cards decks dice games played players pawns pieces boards moves strategies tactics maneuvers battles wars skirmishes conflicts confrontations competitions contests challenges obstacles hurdles barriers roadblocks impasses standstills stalemates deadlocks checkmates victories triumphs defeats surrenders concessions retreats advances offensives counterattacks defenses fortifications citadels strongholds bastions keeps dungeons prisons cells cages bars chains ropes shackles bindings restrictions limitations oppressions suppressions repressions depressions anxieties fears worries concerns doubts insecurities vulnerabilities weaknesses strengths powers abilities skills talents gifts blessings curses hexes charms spells incantations invocations evocations summonings banishings exorcisms cleansings purgings healings blesseds folklorics legends fables myths stories sagas epics ballads sonnets odes elegies dirges requiems hymns psalms chants choruses refrains verses stanzas couplets quatrains octave sestet septet oct

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