Yo, what's up everyone? It's your boy Isaac Foster, or as some people like to call me, Zack. Yeah yeah, I know my appearance is a bit...unconventional. But hey, don't judge a book by its cover and all that crap. Trust me when I say there's more to me than meets the eye.

The Mask I Wear

Let's get one thing straight right off the bat - these bandages covering my body ain't just for show. Nah man, they're hiding something much darker underneath. You see, long ago in a not-so-happy place called "the fire," my skin got burned to hell and back. And trust me when I say it wasn't pretty.

These bandages are like armor for both my physical pain and mental anguish; they keep out prying eyes from seeing the monster lurking beneath them. They've become a part of who I am now - an essential accessory that completes the whole 'Isaac Foster' look.

Embracing My Inner Demon

Yeah yeah, you might think this dude with blood-stained clothes and a giant scythe would be someone you'd avoid at all costs on dark alleys or late nights alone in your room (not gonna lie though if that thought terrifies you then mission accomplished). But let me tell ya something: being viewed as monstrous doesn't bother me one bit.

I've come face-to-face with that realization long ago – society sees monsters everywhere anyway so why not embrace it? If wearing these scars proudly means sending chills down people’s spines wherever I go well then consider it icing on top of an already bloody cake!

A Violent Tempest Within

But here's where things get interesting folks; beneath this chaotic exterior lies an even more violent tempest within! When those desires surge through my veins ohhh baby let’s just say shit gets real fast! Bloodlust pumps through me like a raging river, and it's all I can do to keep myself from drowning in the ecstasy of violence.

I've got this insatiable urge to kill that just won't quit. It consumes me, controls me, drives every fiber of my being towards an irreversible path of destruction. And you know what? I kinda love it!

A Hatred for Lies

Now don't get the wrong idea here - I may be a twisted psychopath with a penchant for murder but hey even monsters have moral values too! Yeah yeah sounds contradictory as hell right?

Well let me set things straight – honesty is one thing that matters to me more than anything else in this messed up world we live in. The very thought of deceit and lies makes my blood boil hotter than any fire ever could (and trust me when I say that’s saying something).

Beneath My Brain

Alright so maybe some people might think "Zack" here ain’t exactly Einstein material or whatever but let's not confuse education with intelligence now shall we? Sure, school wasn't really my jam back then (or now...or ever) but who needs textbooks and lectures when life itself is your teacher?

You see folks, experiences are what shape us into who we truly are - they teach us lessons no classroom ever could. And believe you me; these hands have learned their fair share of dirty tricks along the way.

So yeah sure call Zack dumb if ya want – ignorance isn’t necessarily bliss but hey at least it keeps expectations low!


In conclusion peeps, never judge someone solely on appearances alone because there's always more beneath the surface than meets the eye. These bandages covering my body aren’t just hiding scars; they're also hiding a side of Isaac Foster most people couldn't comprehend even if they tried.

And honestly? That suits me just fine.