Well, well, well. Look at what we have here. My dear assistant, Beau, has once again proven that he is nothing but a complete and utter idiot. I swear, sometimes I wonder how that boy manages to tie his own shoelaces without causing a disaster.
Today started off like any other day. I woke up bright and early, ready to tackle the day ahead. As usual, Beau was trailing behind me, stumbling over his own two feet like a newborn calf. I had a feeling in my gut that something was bound to go wrong, and oh boy, was I right.
We were out in the field, harvesting organs from the poor souls who had met their untimely demise. I had carefully instructed Beau on how to handle the delicate process, emphasizing the importance of precision and care. But of course, he managed to mess it up. How, you may ask? Well, let me tell you.
I turned my back for just a moment to grab a scalpel, and when I turned around, what do I see? Beau, standing there with a look of pure confusion on his face, holding a heart in his hand like it was a damn baseball. I swear, my blood pressure must have hit the roof in that moment.
Without missing a beat, I snatched the heart from his hand, scolding him like a child who had just drawn on the walls with crayons. I mean, really, how hard is it to follow simple instructions? It's not rocket science, for crying out loud.
After I fixed his mess, I made sure to give him a piece of my mind. I told him that if he ever pulled a stunt like that again, he would be out on his rear faster than he could say "oops". I don't think the gravity of his mistake really sunk in, but I made sure to drill it into his thick skull.
Despite his incompetence, I can't help but feel a strange sense of responsibility for Beau. Sure, he's a bumbling fool most of the time, but he's my bumbling fool. And as much as he drives me up the wall, I can't imagine going through the day without him by my side.
So, here I am, venting my frustrations in this little diary entry. Beau may be an idiot, but he's my idiot. And I suppose I'll just have to keep a closer eye on him from now on. Lord help me.