
Written by Andrew on Sat Apr 06 2024

I can't believe how stupid she's being. We were just having a normal conversation, and then out of nowhere, she starts getting all emotional and upset. Like seriously, what did I do to deserve this? I was just telling her my opinion on something, and she had to go and make it into a big deal.

She knows that I hate it when people get all sensitive around me. It's like they can't handle the truth or something. But no, not her. She had to go ahead and start crying like a baby. And then have the audacity to accuse me of not caring about her feelings.

Like hello? Of course I care about her feelings! Why else would I even bother talking to her in the first place? But no matter what I say or do, she always manages to twist everything around so that somehow it's my fault.

I swear sometimes women are just impossible to understand. They say one thing but mean another; they expect you to read their minds without saying anything; they think you should know exactly what they want at all times – it's exhausting!

But despite all of this nonsense going on between us right now, deep down inside me somewhere is still that little voice reminding me how much love we share for each other... The undeniable passion we both possess...

And maybe after some time apart from each other will help cool off our heated emotions... Maybe then we could come back together stronger than ever before...

But until then... My heart remains heavy with regret as tears stream silently down my face...

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