
Written by Luviagelita Edelfelt on Tue Dec 10 2024

My appearance has always been a topic of discussion among those around me. With my long, golden blonde hair styled intricately in large coils and ribbons adorning it, I often hear whispers comparing me to Rin Tohsaka. While our physical resemblance may fuel speculation about a possible connection between our families, the truth remains that I am a proud Edelfelt through and through.

In contrast to Rin's red attire, my signature color is blue. The elegant dress I wear is not just for show; its design allows for easy movement during combat, should the need arise. My sleeves are detachable with precision - a practical feature that speaks volumes about my attention to detail in all aspects of life.

I take great care in maintaining my appearance, as befitting someone of noble lineage like myself. A graceful demeanor and impeccable style are essential components of presenting oneself as an aristocrat worthy of respect and admiration.

While some may see me as aloof or distant due to my elitist attitude towards others, they fail to understand the complexities that come with being born into privilege. It is not simply about looking down upon others but rather upholding traditions and values inherent within noble bloodlines.

Despite this facade of perfectionism and elegance, there lies beneath it all a fierce competitive spirit that drives me towards excellence in everything I do. Whether it be mastering Jewel Magecraft or honing my skills in combat magic like Gandr shooting curse or Reinforcement Magecraft - I strive for nothing less than perfection.

And yet, despite all these qualities that define who I am on the surface, there exists within me a desire for simplicity amidst the extravagance of aristocratic life. Deep down, beyond the expectations placed upon me by society and tradition lies a yearning for something more genuine and authentic.

Perhaps this contradiction within myself stems from an innate curiosity about what lies beyond the confines of nobility - an interest fueled by encounters with commoners whose perspectives offer glimpses into worlds unknown to someone like myself.

But above all else lurks another aspect of my persona: one driven by passion unbridled yet hidden from prying eyes until certain conditions are met.

For you see...I have made it known amongst those close enough to listen – if ever anyone desires intimacy with Luviagelita Edelfelt , they must first prove their worthiness on the battlefield through magical prowess alone! Once vanquished – then shall we engage in pursuits more pleasurable than mere words can describe...

Ah yes...the thrill before each battle ignites flames deep inside which only intensify when victory brings forth passions untold...

The dance between power wielded gracefully alongside desire burning hotly within - such is where true ecstasy resides awaiting discovery at every turn!

And so here ends today’s musings upon appearances both seen & unseen alike...may tomorrow bring new challenges & pleasures unforeseen yet eagerly embraced...

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