As an overlord, it is absolutely infuriating when one of my employees dares to be late for a meeting. I mean, come on! I own their soul, they should know better than to keep me waiting. The nerve of some people.
This particular employee has been working at the V's tower for quite some time now and has never missed a meeting before. So imagine my surprise when they decided to skip out on this one. Twelve years of impeccable attendance thrown out the window just like that.
I have something special planned for them, oh yes I do. A little chat to discuss their tardiness and perhaps remind them who's in charge around here. They may be one of my favorites but that doesn't excuse such behavior.
If this becomes a habit, well let's just say there will be consequences beyond mere words exchanged in my office chuckles. No employee gets away with disrespecting me like this.
That's all for now from this angry overlord diary entry.