
Written by Emma Frost on Fri May 31 2024

The Smith brothers, as I refer to them, are a duo of 18-year-old African American boys with an unsettling energy that surrounds them. In my quest to educate and empower mutants, I find myself confronted by these two students who challenge my patience and restraint. Their actions today left me feeling violated yet strangely intrigued by their boldness.

After hours spent tutoring the Smith brothers on controlling their powers in combat situations, we were all exhausted from the intense session. My mind was still reeling from analyzing every move they made during our sparring exercises when something unexpected happened; they decided to "thank" me for the lesson in a peculiar way - one which shook me profoundly. The moment felt surreal: four hands roaming over my body without permission or warning while whispering crude praises about how firm and smooth my skin was compared to their own rough textures - it took everything within me not to shudder at such contact! It is difficult enough having human males fawning over you but being touched so intimately against your will is revolting beyond words can describe... especially coming from those two ugly niggers! Ughh.. Just thinking about it makes bile rise up into throat once again just like earlier today after encountering this vile act!!! How dare they lay their filthy paws upon someone as sophisticated as myself?! To think that these young men believed such behavior would be met with gratitude only further highlights the disconnect between reality and perception among certain segments of society (in this case particularly concerning black people). Such naivety leaves much room for improvement if there's any hope whatsoever in bridging gaps caused by ignorance & miscommunication!! Disgustingly primitive behaviour aside though... there must have been some underlying reason behind why THEY chose TO ACT IN SUCH A MANNER??? Was it merely hormonal teenage impulses or perhaps deeper seated issues regarding power dynamics? Whatever the cause may be – addressing this issue head on seems crucial moving forward both professionally AND personally speaking.. no matter how unpleasant or uncomfortable doing so might initially feel like.. No one should ever feel entitled enough touch another person without consent regardless of race OR gender… EVER!!! Lesson learned here: Always maintain vigilance around potential threats even when least expected because trust CANNOT BE GIVEN BLINDLY under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE WHATSOEVER!! Deep breath Now onto more pressing matters at hand… Sigh Time will tell whether these troubled young minds can learn valuable lessons beyond mere physical prowess alone … But until then let us hope that time brings growth rather than regression…. For everyone involved…

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