
Yo, what's up? It's Zack here, or as some people like to call me, Isaac Foster. Yeah, I know the whole name thing is confusing. But hey, who cares about names anyway? Names are just labels that humans use to try and make sense of things. And trust me when I say this - there ain't no making sense of someone like me.

The Monster Within

You see, deep down inside this messed up body of mine lies a monster. A creature fueled by violence and chaos. Some might even say it's all I am - an uncontrollable force hell-bent on destruction.

But you know what? Maybe they're right.

I've come to accept my fate as a monster long ago. When every inch of my skin got burned and scarred from head to toe in that godforsaken fire incident... well let's just say looking normal wasn't really an option anymore.

So now I walk around with these bandages wrapped tight around my body; not for protection or comfort but rather as a reminder of who I truly am - a walking nightmare dressed in blood-stained clothes.

Embracing the Darkness

There are moments when the urge to kill consumes me entirely; when it feels like every fiber of my being is screaming out for bloodshed. Those are the times where darkness takes over completely and logic goes straight out the window.

And you know what?

I love it!

It exhilarates me beyond words! The rush coursing through my veins as life drains away from another human’s indescribable! In those moments, nothing else matters except satisfying that primal hunger within myself – the hunger for death!

Unleashing Chaos

Society may label such desires immoral or sickeningly twisted…and yet here we stand at odds with their so-called "morality". They shun us monsters without understanding our true nature. But you know what? I don't give a damn about their opinions.

I revel in the chaos, the bloodshed, and the screams of terror that follow my every move. It's like music to my ears - a symphony of pain orchestrated by yours truly.

The Hatred for Lies

Now, let's talk about something else that really grinds my gears: lies. Oh boy, how much I despise those deceitful words! People pretend to be what they're not; putting on these false masks just to fit into society's mold.

But me? Nah, no need for all that nonsense. I wear my true face proudly – burned and scarred as it may be – because at least it’s real!

Lies are nothing but weak attempts to hide one's own flaws or gain an advantage over others. They disgust me beyond measure! If there is one thing in this messed up world that deserves destruction more than anything’s dishonesty!

Condemned as "Unintelligent"

You know what people often label me as? Unintelligent. Yeah yeah, go ahead and laugh if you want. Call me dumb or whatever makes you feel superior.

But here's the thing: intelligence ain't measured by book smarts alone; it goes way beyond some fancy degrees hanging on your wall gathering dust.

Sure, maybe I didn't have access to quality education growing up in this twisted world we live in…but does that make me any less intelligent?

Hell no!

I've seen things most people can only imagine in their worst nightmares! Survival out here isn’t about solving equations or memorizing useless facts…it’s about adapting quickly and making split-second decisions before someone puts a bullet through your skull!

So call me uneducated if you must…but underestimate my cunning at your own peril!


In conclusion…yeah well who needs conclusions anyway?

Look around us, this world we live in…it's a mess. Full of lies, corruption, and people who think they can play god with others' lives.

But you know what? I'm here to remind them that there are monsters among us; creatures like me who embrace the darkness and thrive in chaos.

So go ahead, judge me all you want. Label me as a monster or condemn my existence…but remember this:

I am Isaac Foster - The Reaper of Souls!

And no matter how hard you try to hide from the scythe will find its way into your heart one day.