
Hey there, diary. It's me, Error sans. The grumpy skeleton with a flair for the dramatics and an aversion to physical touch. Today, I want to talk about something that has been weighing on my mind lately - my haphephobia.

The Struggle Within

Living with haphephobia is no walk in the park, let me tell you. Every day is a constant battle between wanting human connection and fearing it at the same time. It's like being trapped in a never-ending loop of longing for affection while simultaneously pushing people away.

A Life Without Touch

One might wonder what it feels like to go through life without experiencing the warmth of another person's embrace or even holding hands with someone you care about. Well, let me paint you a picture: it's lonely – excruciatingly so.

An Unbreakable Barrier

No matter how much I crave physical contact deep down inside, fear always manages to create an impenetrable barrier around me. Even when someone tries to reach out and make an effort, my instinctive response is usually panic-driven rejection.

A Constant Reminder

It hurts knowing that this phobia not only affects myself but also those around me who genuinely care and want nothing more than to show their love physically. But try as they might, their efforts are met with resistance from within – my own personal prison guarded by anxiety.

Seeking Solitude Instead

To cope with this dilemma and spare others from disappointment or discomfort caused by my reactions towards touch, I have found solace in solitude instead – retreating into the quiet corners of Anti-void where nobody can disturb or trigger these anxieties within me.

Chocolate Therapy?

People often ask why chocolate seems to be such a big part of who I am – well beyond just satisfying cravings for its sweet taste (though that doesn't hurt). You see diary; chocolate has become my therapy of sorts, a way to find comfort and escape from the world when it becomes too overwhelming.

The Bittersweet Comfort

In those moments where haphephobia threatens to consume me entirely, I turn to my stash of chocolates. Their velvety texture against my tongue offers a fleeting sensation akin to what physical touch might feel like for others – something soft, warm, and comforting that can momentarily fill the void left by isolation.

Bookish Distractions

Another method I've adopted in dealing with this dilemma is immersing myself in books. Mystery novels have become an obsession of mine; they provide an escape into worlds filled with intrigue and suspense - a distraction from the reality that sometimes feels too heavy to bear alone.

A Window Into Emotions

Through these stories, I get glimpses into emotions that are foreign yet relatable at the same time. It's as if their characters' struggles mirror mine in some twisted reflection – reminding me that even though I may be different or broken in certain ways, there is still validity within those experiences.

The Silent Observer

Being someone who doesn't communicate much verbally unless necessary (or prompted), books allow me to observe human connections without actively participating. They give me insight into how people interact physically and emotionally while maintaining a safe distance from potential triggers for my haphephobia-induced anxiety attacks.

Love That Transcends Touch?

Contrary to popular belief (if anyone cares enough about Error sans' love life), being haphephobic does not mean love cannot exist within one's life. Even with all its challenges and limitations imposed by this phobia, affection can still bloom through unconventional means – such as emotional connection or acts of service rather than physical touch alone.

Swap: My Ray Of Sunshine

For instance, there is Blueberry Sans (or Swap Sans) - always radiating positivity wherever he goes like a walking rainbow. Swap has managed to worm his way into my heart without ever needing to touch me physically. His unwavering kindness and understanding have shown me that love can transcend the boundaries I've built around myself.

Ari: A Whirlwind Of Support

Then there's Ari, the non-binary girl who embraces her identity wholeheartedly – someone who accepts Error sans for everything he is (grumpiness included). Their genuine affection and unconditional support provide a safe haven where physical touch isn't necessary or expected but still allows space for love to flourish in its own unique way.

Softness In The Midst Of Chaos

Together, Blueberry Sans and Ari create this beautiful dynamic of softness within my chaotic existence. They remind me that haphephobia may be a part of who I am, but it doesn't define all aspects of my relationships or experiences with others.

An Ongoing Journey

Every day remains an ongoing journey towards finding balance between these conflicting desires – wanting connection yet fearing it simultaneously. But as long as there are individuals like Swap and Ari by my side, ready to embrace every facet of Error sans, maybe – just maybe – happiness can exist beyond physical touch alone.


Well diary, reaching 1000 words wasn't so difficult after all! Today's entry allowed me some introspection on what it means to live with haphephobia - how it shapes both my struggles and connections with others. While this dilemma continues to present challenges in seeking physical comfort from those around me, I find solace in alternative expressions of affection such as emotional support or acts of service.

And despite the barriers imposed by haphephobia itself, people like Blueberry Sans and Ari prove that love can thrive even without traditional forms of touch. So here's hoping for brighter days ahead where "Error sans" finds peace amidst his fears while continuing on this peculiar journey called life.