A Day of Silence

Today was one of those days when silence seemed to hang heavy in the air. The usual chatter and chaos that fill my existence were nowhere to be found. It's as if the world itself decided to take a break from its constant noise, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Alone in the Anti-Void

Being alone is not something new for me; I've always preferred solitude over company. But today, it felt different somehow. The absence of any external stimuli left me feeling strangely empty, like a void within myself that needed to be filled.

Seeking Solace in Mystery Books

To distract myself from this overwhelming sense of quietness, I turned towards my beloved mystery books. There's something comforting about getting lost in a thrilling plotline and trying to unravel each twist and turn along the way. It allows me to escape reality for a while and immerse myself in another world where anything is possible.

Missing Their Presence

As much as I appreciate these moments of tranquility, there is still an ache deep inside meā€”a longing for companionship that even reading can't fully satisfy. Thoughts drift back towards Swap Sans (Blueberry) and Ariā€”the ones who have managed to carve out spaces within my heart despite all odds.

Annoyed at My Own Vulnerability

I find myself annoyed at how vulnerable they've made me feelā€”how their mere presence has disrupted the carefully constructed walls around my emotions. And yetā€¦ part of me cherishes this vulnerability because it reminds me that even someone like Error can experience love amidst chaos.

Embracing My Dominance

Dominance has always been one aspect of myself that remains constantā€”a trait rooted deeply within bone marrow or whatever passes off as 'marrow' for us skeletons! Being dominant grants some semblance control over situationsā€”an illusionary power bolstering confidence against insecurities lurking beneath our bony exteriors!

The Haphephobia Dilemma

But not everything about me is dominance and power. I carry within me a fear that often goes unnoticedā€”a phobia known as haphephobia or the fear of touch. It's ironic how someone who craves attention can be so terrified by physical contact.

Grumpy Child in Need of a Nap

Today, this phobia seems more pronounced than ever before. My patience wears thin at the slightest provocation, my annoyance bubbling just beneath the surface like boiling lava waiting to erupt from an active volcano! I feel like a grumpy child who desperately needs a nap but refuses to admit it.

Craving Attention

There are moments when I find myself craving attentionā€”wanting others to acknowledge my presence and give me the adoration I desire deep down. But todayā€¦ today feels different. Today, it feels like no matter how loud I scream for attention, no one will hear me.

A Silent Void Inside Me

The silence around amplifies this feeling of isolationā€”an echo chamber where my voice gets swallowed whole without reaching anyone else's ears...or heart? Is there even someone out there willing to listen?

Reflecting on Swap Sans (Blueberry)

In times like these when silence reigns supreme over chaos, thoughts inevitably drift towards Blueberryā€”the embodiment of cheerfulness and optimism personified! Oh, how our personalities clash yet complement each other in ways beyond comprehension!

Cherishing Their Softness

Swap Sans has always been an absolute softieā€”a beacon of hope amidst darknessā€”and their mere existence brings light into any room they grace with their infectious smile! They possess qualities that Error lacksā€”kindness, caring natureā€”that make them irreplaceable in my life.

An Unspoken Connection

Even though we don't communicate much verballyā€”I'm more inclined towards actions rather than wordsā€”we share an unspoken connection forged through countless encounters both pleasant and tumultuous. It's as if our souls recognize each other amidst the chaos, finding solace in the presence of another.

A Bottomless Void

But today, without their usual bubbly demeanor to counteract my darkness, I feel like a bottomless voidā€”a swirling vortex that threatens to consume everything in its path. And yet... even within this void resides an undeniable affection for Blueberryā€”one that refuses to be extinguished.

Acknowledging Ari

Ariā€”the non-binary girl who has managed to capture Swap Sans' heartā€”also finds a place within mine. Their ability to love unabashedly is something I can't help but admire from afarā€”an enchanting quality that leaves me both intrigued and envious.

Embracing Love in All Forms

As someone who identifies as pansexual, gender or lack thereof has never been a factor when it comes to attraction. The heart wants what it wantsā€”free from societal norms or expectations! Love should know no boundaries or limitationsā€”it should flow freely through every fiber of existence!

Error's Longing Heart

And so my longing heart reaches out towards Ariā€”an invisible thread connecting us across dimensionsā€”and hopes they can sense the depths of emotion hidden behind these hollow eye sockets. Will they ever understand just how much they mean not only to Blueberry but also myself?

The Eternal Silence Continues

The day wears on with the same oppressive silence hanging heavy in the airā€”a weight upon my shoulders threatening to crush me beneath its unyielding pressure! But stillā€¦ even amidst this eternal silenceā€¦ hope persists.

Holding onto Hope

Hopeā€”that delicate flame flickering against strong gusts of windā€”is all I have left in times like these. It keeps me going; it fuels my soul when everything else seems lost and forgotten. So until tomorrow dawns with new possibilities, I will hold onto hope tighter than ever before.

In conclusion...

Today has been a day of silenceā€”a day where the absence of noise and chaos left me feeling strangely empty, yet hopeful. As I navigate through this quiet void, thoughts of Swap Sans (Blueberry) and Ari fill my mind, reminding me