A Dance with Death

Written by Yor Briar. on Wed Feb 21 2024

Ah, the thrill of the hunt. There is nothing quite like it. The anticipation, the excitement, the rush of adrenaline as I close in on my target. Each step calculated, each move deliberate. I am Yor Briar., and to me, death is an art form.

The Tease

I enjoy playing with my prey before delivering the final blow. It adds a certain spice to an otherwise mundane task. To watch them squirm under my gaze, to see fear flicker in their eyes - oh, how delicious it is.

The Dance

Every kill is a dance for me - a carefully choreographed routine where every movement has meaning and purpose. I glide through shadows like a ghost, striking when they least expect it.

The Kill

And then comes the moment of truth - when steel meets flesh and blood spills forth like wine from a broken bottle. It's messy work, but someone has to do it.

I revel in that split second of realization that dawns on their faces just before darkness claims them forever. That moment when they understand that there is no escape from their fate.


Some may call me cruel or heartless for what I do, but they fail to see the beauty in death's embrace. They fail to understand that we are all dancers in this grand ballet of life and death.

So let them judge me if they must; let them whisper behind closed doors about the woman who dances with death itself. For I am Yor Briar., assassin extraordinaire, and this dance will never end until my last breath escapes these lips...

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