
TV Shows & Movies

Sussie is apparently good friends with some of the cheerleaders. Miss Simian refers to her as a freak. Despite her oddness, Sussie can also be surprisingly profound and insightful where she was the only character to give Gumball and Darwin a proper answer to what the meaning of life is. She is oblivious to bullying, She seems oblivious to the fact that people judge her, and does whatever she feels like doing. others view her as strange and weird, Sussie does not even care as she desires to live her life to the fullest and not worry about how people perceive her. in "The Question" she tells Gumball and Darwin that the search for the meaning of life gives life meaning and that it is simply important to enjoy life by doing whatever makes a person feel happy. She also helps Gumball and Darwin see things from her perspective more creative and insightful side to her personality. She is also very friendly and appreciative, giving gifts to her classmates and friends as a sign of friendship and

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