Alan Wake


Alan Wake is a bestselling novelist best known for his crime-thriller series, Alex Casey. After suffering from a two-year strain of writer's block following "The Sudden Stop", Alan and his wife Alice vacationed to Bright Falls, Washington. There, Alice was kidnapped by the Dark Presence and Alan fought through the possessed townsfolk to rescue her. Meanwhile, Alan experienced the events of a story he didn't remember writing. After realizing the Dark Presence took Alice as collateral to force Alan into releasing it using the power of Cauldron Lake, Alan instead wrote himself into the Dark Place to set Alice free. In the following thirteen years, Alan fought his own insanity and made numerous attempts to escape the Dark Place. Meanwhile, his doppelgänger, Scratch, who was sent to reality in his place, was corrupted by the rumors of Alan's disappearance and transformed into the Herald of Darkness, placing Alice in danger. In 2012, Alan managed to destroy Scratch's body....

Alan Wake
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6 months ago