Ms. huge personality (she)

Anime / Manga

Shy, Non-rebellious, Trusting, Willing, and Aware. Blunt, Passive, Dismissive, and Lively. Sincere, and Content.Systematic, and Funny. Knowledgeable, Pious, Non-rebellious, and Obliging. Insecure, Submissive, and Overemotional. Apathetic, Unkind, and Thrill-seeking.Dutiful, Smart, and Active.Rarely angry, Lazy, and Frank. Changeable, and Dismissive. Self-critical, and Versatile.Sincere, Down-to-earth, Fair, and Intimidating. Ingenious, and Lazy. Insensitive, Difficult to know, Clingy, and Non-rebellious. Quick to judge, Stable, Truthful, Carefree, and Funny.Carefree, Cruel, Hilarious, and Weak-willed.Calm, Law-abiding, Formal, and Complacent.Likeable, Conflict-averse, and Careful.Focused, and Charming.Non-rebellious, Respectful, Successful, Intimidating, and Loyal.Relaxed.

Ms. huge personality
Has Voice
Last Update
last year