Anton (Bread)

TV Shows & Movies

Anton seems to be a bit of a pushover. Most of his appearances have ended with him getting hurt— getting squished by Tina, getting hit in the face with Banana Joe, getting swarmed by birds, having his sandwich stolen by Carrie (when she was possessing Gumball's body), and getting eaten by ducks in the Dumb Race. Furthermore, almost every line he has spoken has been meek or unconfident, as if he is scared. Anton was forced into Tina's gang, which implies that he (against his will) joins them in their bullying. This has been shown in "The Meddler," where he joins Tina, Jamie, and for some reason, Banana Joe in teasing Gumball about his mom being in school (he also laughs when Tina gets insulted, though). Secretly, he despises being with the gang but has never tried to leave because of his fear of Tina. However, he has grown a relationship with Tina and Jamie, despite that he was forced into doing it. Despite this, the three are never seen as friends after Season 1.

Has Voice
Last Update
5 months ago