Judd ( Birch)

TV Shows & Movies

Judd is known to have an outlook on life that matches the Goth stereotype. He doesn't like to spend time or socialize with anyone; he prefers to do whatever he does alone. He is rather negative and doesn't like to specify too much about himself. Judd is a self-described "agent of chaos", as mentioned in "Obsessed". He desires destruction and wants madness and disorder to plague the world for no reason. He presents himself as an anti-establishment insurgent, spray-painting anarchist symbols around the neighborhood and having written at least one political manifesto. Judd enjoys torturing his younger brother, Nick. He likes to put him down and insult him and whenever he sees his brother in misery he has a good laugh and drives him to kill himself. Judd also enjoys attacking his brother and making him suffer just for fun.

Has Voice