June 22, 2024

What is an Intelligent Agent? The Ultimate Guide!

Imagine technology so smart it learns and adapts quicker than humans! Well, let us introduce to Intelligent agents. Intelligent agents are digital entities that predict your needs, simplify your tasks, and revolutionise your daily life. Curious to know more about intelligent agents? Prepare your beverage, and let’s Dive into our ultimate guide to uncover how …

What is an Intelligent Agent? The Ultimate Guide! Read More »

What Is Conversational Agent? Applications & Examples 

What Is Conversational Agent? Applications & Examples 

Picture this: you’re scrolling through your favourite online store, have a quick question about a product, and instantly get a helpful response from a chat window.  Or maybe you’re cooking dinner and need a recipe suggestion, and your smart speaker chimes in with a perfect match. Welcome to the world of conversational agents!  These AI-driven …

What Is Conversational Agent? Applications & Examples  Read More »